Awesome Graphic Designer Seeks Job

UPDATE: I got a job!! Ironically, not from this post, but from a résumé that I sent out at the same time. They called me up right when they got it, and I interviewed this afternoon and GOT THE JOB!! :) YAY! Thank you all for your well wishes!!!

Are you hiring?

As many of my readers now, except possibly the new subscribers, I am, unfortunately, unemployed right now. When I started the project, I was a full-time graphic designer working as a slot machine artist here in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. About 7 months into my yearlong project , I was let go due to some company restructuring. I've had about ZERO luck finding a job. No one here in Las Vegas is hiring, and most of the ads I read that are hiring, which are for service industry jobs in the casinos (bartenders, cocktail waitresses, hostesses), have a requirement of head shots, and suggest that applicants be models, actors, or dancers. I'm none of these things. I do like to work- and prefer to have too much to do as opposed to not enough. I'm quick and friendly. I like deadlines and challenges, and learning new things. I have knowledge of major design programs AND mixing drinks. I like people, and can talk to anyone, yet I'm still unemployed. Not fun. I've applied for design jobs, for typesetting jobs, for marketing jobs, for bartender jobs, and for server jobs to no avail.

I know that plenty of people are in my same predicament, and trust me, I empathize.

So in closing, I put this message out into the world. Hire me?

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