Total Eclipse of the Heart

The first question one encounters when mentioning the Twilight Saga (after the barrage of taunting and insults) is this: Team Edward or Team Jacob?! Personally, I have to say I'm both, I am totally Team Edward in the books, but very Team Jacob in the movies. Noooo, it's not because of Taylor Lautner's 8-pack (though it certainly doesn't hurt), it's because Edward is too brooding and angsty for me in the films, and Jacob has a charismatic quality, sense of humor, and playfulness about him that definitely doesn't show up in the books. While Lautner's acting skills are not, shall we say, 'Oscar-worthy', he does bring a great personality to the screen, and honestly, they shouldn't bother with shirts for him, they're totally unnecessary. (I can say this now that he is technically 'legal' :-P)

Today's nails were much requested, and obviously had to be done. I had a few people request the very same thing... a Jacob vs. Edward manicure, so Libby P. Maria Clara, and Nikki, I hope you approve! :) (but please ignore the cuticles on my right hand- bowling and sewing are tearing them up!!)

Team Edward:

Team Jacob:

I used American Apparel Hassid as a base on all nails but the ring finger on each hand, then applied Nubar Stronghold with Bundle Monster plate BM20. For the edward nails (left hand ring finger), I used topped Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud with one coat of Zoya Alluria. I shaded with a mix of Nubar Stronghold and Zoya Alluria, used a mix of American Apparel Hassid and A Beautiful Life Poison for the lips, a mixture of American Apparel Manila, Zoya Jancyn and MAC Showy for the eyes, and a mixture of MAC Showy and American Apparel Hassid for the brow. Topped off the entire face with CND Sugar Sparkle, because I live in Las Vegas, land of sun, so Edward would look like a damn disco ball. :-D For the Jacob nail, I used Zoya Flowie as a base, Zoya Dea to shade a little for the bicep, and American Apparel Hassid for the tattoo of the wolf pack members. (or at least the best I could do on such a small canvas!! :-P) Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat. :)

Go Team everyone!!! :) (except Victoria...and Riley... and get the point.)

Everything Isn't Just Black & White

...but these are.:-D

Today's nails are a geometric black & white pattern. I actually painted this on part of my dorm fridge in college! :) (that fridge currently keeps my beverages chilly in the garage!) :)

I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, with American Apparel Hassid for the black. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

OK- I'm off to go wait in line to see Twilight: Eclipse. Yeah, that's right I'm a nerd. lol

Go Team Undecided!!!

Remember to Eat Your 5 a Day!

Taco Bell has lettuce, so that counts...right?

I've had the idea for this manicure for a while now, I figured that since the recommended daily consumption of fruits & vegetables is 5, and I have 5 fingers on each hand, that it worked out perfectly. :) I, of course, don't eat vegetables... unless you're my mom that is reading this, which in that case, I eat 10 servings a day– probably more! :) (but only if Taco Bell lettuce counts...or ketchup on burgers?)

I used:

Thumb: Asparagus (this I actually DO eat, and really like)

ULTA Banana Rum in the Sun as a base, with a mixture of CND Green Scene and ULTA Limelight for the stalks, and added American Apparel Hassid to that for the spear end, with small touches of straight CND Green Scene on top.

Index: Carrots (again, I enjoy these, and used to gnaw on them all the time with my dad as a kid)

CND Electric Orange as a base, then mixed with China Glaze Salsa for the shading, and Zoya Jancyn for the highlight. For the blue background, I used Zoya Robyn and for the carrot top, I used CND Green Scene.

Middle: Green Apple (love these if they're Granny Smith)

American Apparel Butter as a base, with a mix of that and ULTA Limelight for the inner core line, ULTA Limelight for the peel, MAC Showy for the seeds and stem, and CND Green Scene for the background.

Ring: Red Pepper (key ingredient in Sunshine stirfry- which Jacquie will remember)

Zoya Robyn for the background, China Glaze Salsa for the base color of the pepper, then mixed with Zoya Jancyn to highlight and American Apparel Hassid to shade. For the stem, I used CND Green Scene.

Pinky: Corn (I miss fresh from the farm corn on the cob!!)

American Apparel Manila as a base, then with Zoya Jancyn for shading next to the husk and between kernels, then a mix of American Apparel Manila and American Apparel Butter for the highlight on the kernels. For the husk, I used CND Green Scene, then mixed with American Apparel Butter for the husk highlights.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Now that you've got your dose of fruits and vegetables for the day, you're free to eat something a bit tastier- like chocolate, or maybe steak.

Twigs & Berries

:-D Sounds like a much more 'interesting' post than it probably will be. ;) Camping kicked my ass, I napped pretty much as soon as I stepped out of the shower after getting home today. I fulfilled my S'mores and toasted marshmallow craving (for now), with a 5 s'mores, and 7 toasted marshmallows (2 of which I ate with breakfast). :-D I also cooked 'tin foil' dinners, which I made by slicing potatoes, onions, chopping garlic, sliced smoked sausage, butter, salt, and pepper and putting it in a tin foil 'pouch' and placing them on the grate over the fire. I also cooked baked potatoes by wrapping them in tin foil an dputting them IN the fire for an hour- they were amazing.

Today's nails are a simple design that kind of remind me of nature- twigs & berries to be specific. :-D

I used MAC In the Buff as a base with Bundle Monster plate BM06 used to apply A Beautiful Life Poison. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

The potatoes right after they were out of the coals/fire:

My potato! (butter, salt & pepper)

And my latest iPhone case creation, thinking of selling them on etsy, thoughts? (it even has a pocket for credit cards!)

I'll Have S'more!!

Ooey, Gooey, Melty, Chocolatey, Sugary, crunchy goodness. Yes, this is one of the only reasons I go camping...for the s'mores. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love hanging around the campfire, and fishing when there is water, and all that jazz, but I really truly love s'mores, hot dogs, and baked potatoes cooked in the fire. Since I'm going camping tonight up on Mt. Charleston, I decided to do S'mores nails!!! :) A few years ago, I was introduced to the double chocolate method, go ahead, try it, it'll rock your world. I'm seriously so excited for roasted marshmallows, and how I painted it is how they're perfectly cooked... though if my mom were camping with us, they'd be flaming balls of charred sugar, never could understand why she likes them burnt. *gag*

I used:

Thumb & pinky: Graham crackers

Some mix of MAC Showy, Zoya Dea, Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme, American Apparel Cotton and American Apparel Palm Springs.

Index & Ring: Chocolate *drool*

Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme as a base, with MAC Showy to shade, and Zoya Dea to highlight.

Middle: toasted Marshmallowy goodness

American Apparel Cotton as a base, with MAC Abalone Shell, American Apparel Palm Springs, Zoya Dea, MAC Showy, and OPI for Sephora What's a Tire Jack? Matte sponged on lightly in layers. I love how the tip edge looks like it was singed. :-P

Topped the chocolate nails off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat, no top coat for the marshmallow nail, and for the graham cracker nails, I sponged on Essie Matte About You so it wouldn't give a smooth matte finish, but a rough one. :-D

Ok, I'm off to head up the mountain!! :) Have a fun day/night!! :)

It's Close to Midnight

and something evil's lurking in the dark...

Thriller is, and always will be, my favorite music video of all time. FAVORITE. When I was younger, we had the thing on BETA MAX tape. Yeah, that's how we roll. The damn video was pure genius, as was all of Michael Jackson's stuff. His life was marred with controversy, plastic surgery, criminal allegations, you name it, but dude defined the word 'entertainer'. One year ago today, the media was sent into a frenzy, and the world mourned one of its greatest known entertainers. You may not agree with him, like his music, or give a rat's ass about him, his life, or his death, but you have to admit, he changed the face of entertainment as we know it. Reader Geraldine E. requested today that I do Michael Jackson nails, and I thought and thought about what I could do- there are so many sides to him, but i decided to choose my all-time favorite to focus on– Thriller. I did the werewolf eyes from the end scene of the video, the zombie face/eye, the werewolf fur, the red leather jacket, and on the thumb, his iconic white sparkly glove (even though it wasn't part of Thriller, it is one of his signatures, so I had to include it). I love the zombie nail, it's my favorite! I wish I could keep it on for more than a day!! :/


I used:

Thumb: Iconic White Sparkly glove

Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, with Zoya Luna over it, and American Apparel Hassid for the black.

Index: Michael's face/eye from the last scene of the video, where his face is normal except his eyes

Zoya Dea mixed with MAC In the Buff as a base, Zoya Dea to shade, then mixed with American Apparel Hassid to do the darkest shading and the eyebrow, and then Zoya Dea mixed with MAC Abalone Shell to highlight. American Apparel Cotton for the base for the eye color, then CND Bicycle Yellow over it for the eye, topped with American Apparel Hassid for the pupil.

Middle: Michael's Zombie face/eye

Sally Hansen Trendy Creme as the base, then mixed with American Apparel Hassid and American Apparel Mount Royal to shade, and mixed with American Apparel Cotton to highlight. For the eye, I used American Apparel Cotton with black for the outline and the pupil/iris, and a few dots of American Apparel Cotton for the reflection.

Ring: Werewolf fur

Zoya Dea as a base, then mixed with American Apparel Hassid for some of the fur, and MAC In the Buff for some, and mixed with American Apparel Cotton for a few highlights.

Pinky: Michael's Jacket in the beginning when he is on his date

China Glaze Salsa as a base, with American Apparel Hassid for the black diagonals, then mixed with China Glaze Salsa for the jacket seams and details, then American Apparel Cotton to highlight in places because the leather was kind of shiny.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
and rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the Thriller.....


Which reminds me, I also love Vincent Price, that part makes the whole damn song.

Check out the iPhone case I sewed this morning for my new iPhone 4, its fleece-lined, canvas duck exterior with a elastic hairtie/button closure. Hell yes for good old-fashioned ingenuity! (and cheapness) :-P

There's an App For That

For those of you not in the 'know', today was the release of the amazingtastical iPhone 4G from Apple. Thousands of crazy people around the country (like myself) waited in line for hours and hours and hours with the hopes of being one of the lucky ones to place our hands around the holy grail of smart phones. Personally, I showed up with my roommate, Maris, at approximately 1 a.m., to sit on a filthy Las Vegas sidewalk for 5 hours, only to be moved indoors into the Caesar's Forum Shops where we again, sat on the ground for 6 more hours by the time all was said and done. I have to say it though, it was so worth it. Scratch from our memories the argument coming near blows over line jumpers, people selling their spot in line for $400 and $500 dollars. I even facilitated such an exchange, picking a man who looked like he had money to burn out of the stragglers, yet no finders fee. *sigh* :-D Devin, the charming iPhone angel who bestowed upon us our shiny new iPhones, was a welcome change from the cranky restlessness of the crowd, with an easy smile and the ability to endure a certain amount of slap happiness on my part. Then there were the people we stood shoulder to shoulder with for hours on end, sharing sarcasm, irritation, and laughs. Finally, the line jumpers, if you're somehow reading this, learn to share, act civilized, and not be assholes, we managed to maintain our shit, I'm sure you can too. (though this redheaded blogger was shaking with fury, and the job of keeping her little mouth shut)

Today's nails are dedicated to us, the crazy ones. (and Lenny, of course)

I used:

Left hand:

Thumb: YouTube

Sally Hansen Trendy Creme as a base, with a mixture of American Apparel Manila, American Apparel Cotton, and Zoya Dea for the yellow part of the television, Zoya Dea for the outline, then Zoya Dea mixed with the outer outline. For the knobs, I used a mix of American Apparel Hassid and American Apparel Cotton, with American Apparel Hassid to shade, I also used American Apparel Hassid for the vertical speaker slots. For the shadow around the edge of the screen, I used a mix of American Apparel Hassid and Sally Hansen Trendy Creme, and for the highlght on the screen, I used Sally Hansen Trendy Creme mixed with American Apparel Cotton.

Index: Weather

Zoya Robyn as a base, with OPI What's With the Cattitude? brushed around the edges towards the middle. For the sun, I used American Apparel Manila with Zoya Jancyn to shade, as well as for the minute sunbursts. For the temperature, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud.

Middle: Maps

Zoya Harley as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the white road lines, as well as for a base on the interstate sign. For the orange highway line, I used Zoya Jancyn, and for the yellow, I used American Apparel Manila. For the interstate sign, I used China Glaze Salsa for the red and Pure Ice French Kiss for the blue.

Ring: Calendar

Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, with China Glaze Salsa for the red, American Apparel Hassid for the black, and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the THU.

Pinky: iTunes Store

Color Club Pucci-licious as a base, with American Apparel Esprit lightly brushed outward on the bottom half of the nail, and China Glaze Grape Pop brushed out from the center on the top half for the burst. For the music note symbol, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud.

Right Hand:

Thumb: Calculator

American Apparel Hassid as a base, with a mix of American Apparel Hassid and China Glaze Lemon Fizz for the grey buttons, and Zoya Jancyn for the orange button, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the +, -, X, and = symbols.

Index: Notes

China Glaze Lemon Fizz as a base, with a mixture of Zoya Dea and Sally Hansen Trendy Creme for the brown binding at the top, American Apparel Mount Royal for the blue lines, and China Glaze Salsa for the red lines.

Middle: Phone

Claire's MOOD Polish in happy/earthly as a base, with CND Green Scene sponged lightly on the top half. For the phone symbol, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud.

Ring: Facebook

A mixture of American Apparel Mount Royal and American Apparel Esprit as a base, with American Apparel Esprit for the bottom line, and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the f.

Pinky: iPod

CND Electric Orange as a base, with Zoya Jancyn sponged lightly over the tip edge. For the iPod symbol, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat for the fresh from the Apple store shine. :-D

P.S. Forum Apple staff: Did you know that Blaine made cookies?! :-P haha!

OK, seriously, I'm on hour 36 with 1 hour of sleep somewhere around 1 pm this afternoon. I need shuteye in a bad way. I'll see you folks tomorrow. :-D

A True M*A*S*H Up

Being around for daytime TV lately has brought a few shows from my past back for me. Did you know that they show reruns of Little House on the Prairie and M*A*S*H every afternoon? Both of those are shows that I loved when I was a kid, and the first notes of 'Suicide is Painless' bring back a tide of old memories every time I hear it. I loved the banter and insults between Hawkeye and Major Burns, not to mention 'Hot Lips' Houlihan, Radar, Klinger and all the other great characters on the show. I remember always wanting to try Grape Nehi because that's what Radar always drank at the bar. Today's nails were inspired by those funny surgeons and nurses from the 4077th, on a TV show long ago. :-)

I used Sally Hansen Trendy Creme as a base, with American Apparel Cotton for the white background of the medical cross. For the cross, I used A Beautiful Life Poison, and for the numbers, I used American Apparel Manila. Topped everything off with a coat of Essie Matte About You to give it that old worn drab look.

Hidden Hotness

Today's nails are pretty simple because it's been a busy day, I spent 5 hours returning emails from readers (yes, I've been way behind and I'm trying to catch up), I still haven't finished, so if you haven't received an answer from me yet, don't worry, it's coming, I swear. After that, I started working on a superawesome project for the giveaway that is coming up, and after I post this, I'm going to get back to work on that, I'm super excited, and I hope you all like them. :-D

Anyway. Today's nails are named as such because in direct sunlight, it's hard to see the design, you have to be in the shade or view sort of at an angle to see it over top of the super gorgeous Zoya Ivanka, which is seriously one of the prettiest glitters ever.

I used Zoya Ivanka as a base, with CND Green Scene applied with Bundle Monster plate BM20, I used the scrolled pattern. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat, because that's just how I roll, dig?

Back to the crafting! :)

Have a Ball!!

It is the Summer Solstice today!! when I think of summer, I think of the beach, even if I never go there. :-D (this skin doesn't like sunlight, trust me :-P) So today's nails are a beach-themed design, with bright primary colored beach balls on each finger. :-D So whoop it up, summer is officially here, pull out your bikinis and go out and 'have a ball'!

I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base with China Glaze Salsa for the red, Pure Ice French Kiss for the blue, and American Apparel Manila for the yellow. For the shading on the white, I used a mixture of Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud and Pure Ice French Kiss, for the shading on the red and blue, I just added American Apparel Hassid to the base color, and for the shading on the yellow, I used Zoya Jancyn. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat for that shiny vinyl feel. :-D

Wood You?

First off, Happy Father's Day!! :) When I think of my dad, I think of the garage, and mainly woodworking. In fact, he taught me how to woodwork!! :) He is one of those people that can make anything and fix anything, I've given him a sketched out drawing more than once, and he has figured out how to create it, and he has fixed more things around the house (and my old cars) than I can count...he and my grandpa were very much the same in that respect, and although my grandpa has passed, today's nails are dedicated to both him as well as my dad. :)

I used MAC In the Buff as a base, with Zoya Dea applied with Bundle Monster plate BM16. For the saw blades, I used China Glaze Millennium, mixed with American Apparel Hassid to shade, and American Apparel Cotton to highlight. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

You've Got a Friend in Me

Going to the movies tonight- to see TOY STORY 3!!!! :-D Woo!! A couple of days ago, a reader (Anonymous) requested that I have a go at Toy Story nails, and I figured today would be a perfect day to do them!! I did one of my favorite characters (the alien(s)), but I couldn't do my other favorite (the Dinosaur- I want the toy that goes RAARRRRRRRRR! when you push the button soooo bad! It seriously makes me laugh so hard) Anyway, I did the logo, Mr Potato Head, the martian dude, Buzz and the bottom of Woody's boot where Andy wrote his name.

Also- I went out to lunch with some of my girls today, we're all from Michigan originally, and we went to Detroit Motor City Coney here in Vegas, they had Faygo, Vernor's, Made Rite Chips, and Detroit style Coney dogs!!! If you live in Vegas, I highly recommend a visit- it's like being home, and they even list 'POP' on the menu instead of the dreaded 'SODA' word. ;) (you midwest folk will understand what I'm talkin' about)

I used:

Thumb: Logo
OPI What's With the Cattitude? as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the clouds and as a base for the logo. For the yellow of the lettering, I used American Apparel Manila for the dark blue outline, I used Pure Ice French Kiss and for the red, I used China Glaze Salsa.

Index: Mr. Potato Head

OPI Ginger Bells as a base, with a mixture of CND Electric Orange and American Apparel Manila for the nose, highlighted with a mixture ofCND Electric Orange and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud. For the eyes, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud and OPI Ginger Bells for the eyelids, shaded with American Apparel Hassid. I also used American Apparel Hassid for the pupils of the eyes, the eyebrows, and the mustache. For the mouth I used China Glaze Salsa.

Middle: Alien/Martian

I used OPI Who the Shrek Are You? as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the eyes, shaded with a mixture of Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud and American Apparel Hassid, with American Apparel Hassid also used for the pupil. For the shading around the eye, I used a mix of OPI Who the Shrek Are You? and Pure Ice French Kiss. For the shading on the mouth, I used a mix of OPI Who the Shrek Are You? and American Apparel Hassid, I also used American Apparel Hassid for the mouth opening. I used a mix of OPI Who the Shrek Are You? and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the highlight on the mouth, and then used American Apparel Malibu Green for the background, with ALDO Got Grapes? for the collar.

Ring: Buzz Lightyear

MAC Abalone Shell as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the eyes and mouth, mixed with Pure Ice French Kiss for the irises of the eye. For the shading on the face, I used a mixture of MAC Abalone Shell, American Apparel Hassid, and Zoya Dea. I also used Zoya Dea for the eyebrows. For the cheeks, I used a mixture of MAC Abalone Shell and Salsa, and on the far right of the nail, I used ALDO Got Grapes? for the purple head thing he wears.

Pinky: Woody's boot

Zoya Dea as a base, with one coat of OPI Ginger Bells over it. For the writing, I used a mix of Zoya Dea and American Apparel Hassid.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat

Also, my eyeballs today. (All MAC) Blue Peep as a base, with Mutiny pigment, Tempting e/s in the crease, and Ostentatious to line, with Teddy on the wasterline.

Holographic Cat

Today's nails aren't terribly inspired, but I love them even more than I thought I would. Someone on Twitter (I think it was the person behind @SecheVite) that their weekend manicure was China Glaze TMI, which made me think about how I could use the China Glaze holographic polishes that I adore. I came up with this: a simple colorful twist on a freehanded leopard print. I hope you ike it as much as I do! This looks sooooo cool in the sun, and unfortunately every single picture I tried to take of it turned out looking semi blurry. *ARGH*

I used China Glaze OMG as a base with China Glaze TMI for the blobs, and China Glaze DV8 for the turquoise outlines of the 'blobs'. :-P I used Seche Vite top coat to top everything off. :-D

Good thing I'm not allergic to nail polish cat fur, because I sure am allergic to real cat fur! :-P

Makin' a Run For the Border

Quarter Meal, $2 menu, Gorditas, Chalupas, Quesadillas, you name it, I'm in. (unless it's a bean burrito- HORK!) Taco Bell has been a food group, for lack of a better term, to me for more years than I care to admit. I remember the days when I was 19, sleeping on my sister's couch for the summer before my junior year of college, when I was 19 and working 2 jobs. Those also happened to be the days where I ate Taco Bell twice a day, nearly every day. 3 soft taco supremes, no tomato, with a Mt. Dew. Same order, every time. (I still order that nearly every time) I often attribute my iron stomach to my younger days of building up my tolerance for fast food. Honestly, it's nothing short of a miracle that I can still fit indoors. My mother is going to KILL me when she reads this post, luckily, I'm 2,000 miles away, and yes, Mom, of course I'm eating healthy! (Yes, I eat square meals - Wendy's burgers happen to be squares, right?!)

Today's nails are dedicated to the 'Bell', I've run for your borders more times than I can count, and your Chicken Baja Gorditas will always hold a special place in my heart. (probably somewhere along the wall of the Aorta) Also- if anyone from the Taco Bell corporation happens to read this- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the Chicken Enchilada Grilled 'Stuft' Burrito. I lived on those bad boys for like 2 straight weeks in my mid-20s, and miss them. *drool*

I used ALDO Got Grapes? as a base, with China Glaze Grape Pop for the designs from the Taco Bell cup, then I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base for the Taco Bell 'bell', with Sally Hansen Vavoom Violet over it for the hot pink. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Crunchwrap anyone?

Also- today's eyeballs. I used (all MAC) Mutiny pigment with Violet pigment in the crease, Rich Purple in the outer corner, and Electric coral on the lower lashline and inner corner/crease. Blue Peep on the waterline, and Blacktrack to line.


So many of you emailed and commented requesting that I do World Cup nails. These are for you. I chose not to do flags of any country other than South Africa's (where is it being held), because it is inevitable that I wouldn't include yours, so I thought I'd go one step ahead and not include any. Sorry. :) I just wanted to keep the peace! :-D I'm like the UN of nails. :-P By the way- remind me to never try painting a soccer ball again. :-P

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base, with American Apparel Hassid for the black, American Apparel Manila for the yellow, China Glaze Salsa for the red, CND Green Scene for the green, and Pure Ice French Kiss for the blue. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

And, for my eye makeup today, I used MAC Chartru paint as a base, with MAC Jasmine on top, Lucky Green in the crease and bottom lashline, Velvet Moss in the outer corners, and MAC Orange pigment in the inner corners and waterline, then I used New Weed fluidline as a liner.

Follow Suit

Today's nails are simple, since I've been cleaning and doing laundry allllllll day long. UGH. I hate cleaning, and what is worse than cleaning? Laundry.

I used China Glaze Salsa as a base for the red nails and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base for the ring finger. I stamped the design from BundleMonster plate BM19 with American Apparel Hassid for the black parts of the design, and China Glaze Salsa for the red heart on the ring finger. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Pick a card, any card.

Smashbox Cosmetics Sale at Hautelook!

Smashbox Cosmetics on sale on Hautelook today!!

Everything is 50% off!! eyeshadow palettes, lipglosses, lipgloss palettes, gel liner, tons of stuff! :)

The link:

Smsahbox Sale on Hautelook

Bowled Over

Ok, so I had bowling league tonight, and I SUCKED. SUCKED. On the bright side, my handicap is going to be awesome next week, and truth be told, I had a blast tonight. My team played one of the other teams from the company I used to work at, and there was tons of shit-talking and goofing off. Plus, I got carded, like SERIOUSLY carded, the bartender even asked for information that is on my ID to confirm. The bad thing was that my highest game tonight (by far) was a 102, sad. SO SAD. :-P

I also got to sit at the car dealership today while my car got checked out, I took it in for a recall a few weeks ago, and recently I've been getting a check engine light (my car isn't even 3 years old), so I took it in, and sure enough, it was something they worked on, and now I have to get a new gas tank, luckily, it's free. Today felt like a semi-busy day, I did some cleaning & purging around the house, then the dealership, did some crocheting (yes, I'm a nerd, but at least I'm crocheting something with skulls, so it's OK), did my nails, then I went to bowling, and now I'm writing this, and honestly, even though it is only about 10 pm, I might just go to bed once this post goes up. :-P

For today's nails, I did bowling pin nails, I did the design around the neck of the pins that they have at the bowling alley I go to. Apparently it is a Brunswick pin design. Sorry for the nubbiness of the nails, but after yesterday's design, I had to cut the 'fang-ernails', as reader Pipp called them (I seriously LOLed when I read that- GENIUS, :-P), because they were filed to such a point. (which was driving me crazy- the things I do for this blog!!! lol)

The inspiration:

The nails:

I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, with China Glaze Salsa for the red pointed design. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat, which smeared a tiny bit of the red on a few nails, argh!!

Also, since I got a few people asking me to post my eyes more often; today's eye makeup, I used MAC Chartru paint as a base, with Sharp over it, Tempting in the crease, and Dark Edge on the outer corners (all three from the Tempting Quad Palette), and then I used Ostentatious fluidline for the liner:

AAAAAAND: the thing I'm crocheting: a Skull scarf, I got the skull part of the pattern from a post on the Skull-A-Day website, and the pattern was created by Abby, and can be found HERE. Mine isn't perfect (far from it), I miscounted, and didn't feel like starting over, so I fixed it the best I could, plus I'm making mine into a scarf instead of a square like hers. I'll post it when I'm completely done, too. Just noticed that in the picture, the corners are wonky, but they're just curled or folded under/over. Not bad for being the third pattern I've ever followed, and the first time ever doing filet crochet.

I Wanna Do Bad Things With You

Ok, I'm a Truebie. I LOVE True Blood, and have been counting down the days until the Season 3 premiere for months. (since I found out the date) Recently, HBO has been airing little 'commercials' with 2 members of the cast talking about the upcoming season, and it's all I can do to keep from squealing. Seriously. I have had this manicure planned forever, and was so excited to do it today!!! (even though I'm certain I'm going to poke an eye out) I suppose that this manicure would also be appropriate (if you change the thumb) for the upcoming release of Twilight: Eclipse if you aren't a True Blood fan, but honestly, how can you NOT be a True Blood fan... two words... Alexander SkarsgÄrd. Yeah, that sums it up. *drool* Anyway.

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base for the tooth nails, and for the thumb, I used American Apparel Hassid. For the Blood on the fangs, I used A Beautiful Life Poison, and for the True Blood logo, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the logo, then topped the word 'blood' with China Glaze Salsa. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Bite me. ;)

A Matter of Right or PONG

***Nerdy Nails Alert!***

Everyone knows the game of PONG, created by ATARI, and released in 1972. Today, I decided to do an homage to PONG on my nails. :-) They're relatively simple, but so was the game, so what can ya do?!

I used American Apparel Hassid as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the Atari logo and the gameplay. Topped it off with two coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Also today, a picture of my eye makeup I did last night for the Duane Peters show I went to, I liked the colors and how it turned out. :) I used some of my older MAC colors lol, Casablanca, D'Bohemia, and a tiny bit of Antiqued in the outer corner, with Blue Peep for the liner. Sorry it's only an eye shot, but the rest of the picture sucked. lol

One Sandwich Short of a Picnic

It was beautiful here in Vegas today, good has prevailed over evil (and Lucifer's taint), and the temperature has come down in the mid-80s, which is something that I can totally get behind happening more often. In honor of the nice weather, I decided to do picnic-themed nails today, since this is the kind of weather I deem 'picnic weather'.

I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, and also mixed with China Glaze Salsa for the pink squares of the pattern. For the red parts where the lines cross, I used China Glaze Salsa, then I painted the ants with American Apparel Hassid and highlighted them with a mixture of American Apparel Hassid and Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Fun fact: Ants can lift 20 times their body weight. Damn, if I could do that, I'd be a superhero, and able to lift over a ton! *flexes* Nope. :-/

Molten Metals

So they other day on the The Daily Nail: REVIEWS, I posted swatches and reviews of the new Milani Liquid Metal Intense Color Collection, which are AMAZING, so I thought I'd give marbling with them a whirl. I'm seriously bummed that I can't capture the gorgeousness of this marble on camera, it's like jewels melted on my nails with their sparkly goodness. If you have the polishes, I suggest you try marbling with them, they're a bit tough to marble with, but the jewel-toned swirls they produce are worth the swearing and frustration they caused.

I used Milani Metal Gear as a base, then used Milani Molten Rock, Milani Hot Metal, and Milani Melt Down to marble over it. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Also, I keep forgetting to mention that I answered all the questions on the 'Thank You For Being A Friend' post the other day, my reply to everyone is in the comments. :)

You're In My Sights

Once upon a time, in a frigid land (Michigan), long, long ago (about 6 years) there were two girls who were the best of friends. They lived together, they went out with friends together, they cooked together, and they...killed together?! Ok, Ok, not really.

To clarify the story, when I was so very much younger, 23, I lived in that frigid land (Michigan), and was one of the girls in the above story... the other was my friend Jacquie, whom I affectionately called/call Yaki. We went to school together for design, lived together for a year, hung out with all the same people, and sick of having to explain what we did for a living, what it entailed, and why we did it, so we decided to come up with a far cooler sounding profession...we were going to be professional hitwomen. The joke went so far that I designed us each business cards and had them printed. She was 'the brains', because she was the organized one, and I was 'the brawn' because #1, I have huge muscles (not really), and #2, I can shoot guns. The business cards were simple (mine is shown below, but don't get any ideas- it's not my phone number anymore..hehe), with only the words 'the brains' or 'the brawn' on the front of a black business card in the middle of a gunsight, and on the middle of a stark white back, just a phone number, nothing else. It was fun. We never actually performed any hits, but we did kill a few beers and Yesterdogs* in our time...

*(best hot dogs on earth, in Grand Rapids, MI...order the 'Lucy' if you go)

Fast forward to now. Yaki and I are separated by a few years, and a few thousand miles, but I still have those damn business cards, so today, I did nails to match. :)

My business card:

The nails:

I used American Apparel Hassid as a base, with Nubar Stronghold for the gunsight, then I used Sally Hansen All the White Stuff as a base for American Apparel Downtown L.A. for the red dot in the middle. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Bang Bang, this lady shot you down

36 - 18 - 33

If Barbara Millicent Roberts, or as you may know her, Barbie, was a really person- THOSE would be her measurements- 36" 18" 33", and she would be 5'9". Can you imagine?!?! :) I have nothing against Barbie, I even owned a few in my day (though for some reason my sister and I shaved their heads at one point- did you know that doll hair doesn't grow back?!). To be honest, I still own ONE Barbie, it is the MAC Cosmetics & Barbie Limited Edition Barbie, but I bought that one because I'm a huge MAC dork. (and it is still in the box it was shipped in, INSIDE the packaging!) Anyway, reader Frannie B asked me if I could do a Barbie-inspired nail including the silhouette for her daughter, so here you have it... BTW, my nails have been pink two days in a row... I wonder what's going on with me?! *checks forehead* :-P

I used China Glaze Secondhand Silk as a base with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud to paint the B from the Barbie logo as well as the Barbie head silhouette. Topped everything off with Seche Vite top coat to make everything shine like the hard shiny plastic of Ken's junkless region below the belt. ;)

Preppy in Pink

Pink and green together to me always looks preppy, and definitely more so in stripes. :-P I had to rush today's design because I forgot I had bowling tonight, and got the call asking where I was AFTER bowling started. :-/ Yikes!

I used China Glaze Secondhand Silk as a base, then applied Nubar Green Tea with BundleMonster plate BM20. Topped it off with Seche Vite top coat.

Vosges Visage

I've made it no secret…I LOVE chocolate. Love. IT. I like it dark, milk, white (which isn't really chocolate), filled with caramel, with nougat, with nuts, with peanut butter, BACON?!?!?!, even with coconut, which I hate in any other situation. Anyway, to the point, I get a catalog from a lovely chocolatier called Vosges from time to time, and besides the fact that their chocolate is amazing (seriously, try Mo's Bacon Bar in Milk Chocolate, it will change your life), the art on the Easter catalog was awesome, and I've kept that catalog for months in anticipation that I would do nail art based on the cover illustration one day…and today is that day… :-P

The inspiration

The nails

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base, with MAC Showy for the line work, Orly Pink Chocolate (perfect right?!) for the pink, American Apparel Palm springs as the peach color on the index finger, OPI Who the Shrek Are You? for the lighter green color seen on the thumb and cuticle edge of the middle finger, and Nubar Green Tea for the leaves on the middle finger. I topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat to give it a tempered chocolate-like sheen and strength. ;)

The Heat is On

Ok, so the title has nothing to do with the nail art today, which is unusual, but I was at a loss as to what to call this one. However, I DO know that it is hotter than Satan's scrotum here in Vegas today, it's like Lucifer himself has rested his balls on the chin of Las Vegas. Last week it was in the 60s-70s-80s or so.... then it jumped to the hundreds in the last 2 days. WHY, GOD!?! :-P I swear when I go out in the sun I can actually smell my skin sizzling. Sexy, eh? It's so hot my eyelids are sweating, I wasn't built for this crap. :-P


I finally got around to using my butterLONDON Artful Dodger, I've had it for months!

I used butterLONDON Artful Dodger as a base color for all nails but the ring finger, which I used L.A. Girl Army Green. For the large dot, I used American Apparel California Trooper, and for the brown lines, I used MAC Showy. Topped everything off with two coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Don't forget to check The Daily Nail: REVIEWS later tomorrow, there will be some new reviews & swatches!!

Also, I will have the answers to the questions asked on the 'Thank You For Being a Friend' post. I typed them all up, but got an error when I published my comment, so I lost all I typed (this time I'll be smart enough to type it in another program and cut & paste. :-P)

Doin' Doughnuts

So today, this, the first friday in June, is National Doughnut Day here in America. Sounds like a silly, sugar-filled excuse to eat deep-fried dough coated in melted deliciousness, but really, it started in 1938 as a fundraiser for the Chicago Salvation Army! This is a holiday I can get behind. :) Trust me, I headed to my local Krispy Kreme store to get my free doughnut, a delicious lemon cream filled one. Mmmm. I also 'had' to pick up a couple glazed for the road. I think I'm one of the weird folk that doesn't like them very much when they're hot from the fryer- I actually prefer them cold, like almost frozen. :-D I decided that in honor of National Doughnut Day, I would do Krispy Kreme nails, since they're super delicious. :-P (even though the best doughnuts come from back home in Michigan at H&H Bakery, where I worked and went to all the time when I was younger).

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base, with Nubar Forest applied with Konad Plate m79. For the iconic red K's, I used a mixture of American Apparel Downtown L.A. and A Beautiful Life Poison. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Ok, time for sugar coma. (because yeah, I ate that doughnut I'm holding in the picture, and the lemon one right before it. ;)