Thank You For Being a Friend…

I suck. I suck at keeping up with comments, emails, questions, etc. here on the blog. I try, but get frustrated with my slow-ass computer and glacial internet speed (I'm looking at you, COX!!) Anyway. This post is to let you all know that I read EVERY comment, EVERY email, EVERY suggestion, and look at ALL of the pictures that you send me. It delights me to see the work that you've all done, and it brightens my day to read the amazing comments that you leave daily. I couldn't ask for a better following of readers!!

The other purpose of this post is for you to comment with questions, which I WILL answer!! (and I promise to try to get to all the backlogged emails, too!)

So, with all that said, Thank you. Thank you for being a reader, a commenter, and a friend. :)



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