Holographic Cat

Today's nails aren't terribly inspired, but I love them even more than I thought I would. Someone on Twitter (I think it was the person behind @SecheVite) that their weekend manicure was China Glaze TMI, which made me think about how I could use the China Glaze holographic polishes that I adore. I came up with this: a simple colorful twist on a freehanded leopard print. I hope you ike it as much as I do! This looks sooooo cool in the sun, and unfortunately every single picture I tried to take of it turned out looking semi blurry. *ARGH*

I used China Glaze OMG as a base with China Glaze TMI for the blobs, and China Glaze DV8 for the turquoise outlines of the 'blobs'. :-P I used Seche Vite top coat to top everything off. :-D

Good thing I'm not allergic to nail polish cat fur, because I sure am allergic to real cat fur! :-P

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